cut text (leave up to "<!-- text cut -->") in index and RSS

note that when requested to cut entry, it keeps stuff between text end and
entry end, so twitter button will still find its way into RSS feed

also fix indentation
This commit is contained in:
Alexey Shpakovsky 2014-02-26 23:04:31 +01:00
parent c581392bd4
commit 7e7d1a8688

View File

@ -310,10 +310,19 @@ disqus_footer() {
# Reads HTML file from stdin, prints its content to stdout
# $1 where to start ("text" or "entry")
# $2 where to stop ("text" or "entry")
# $1 where to start ("text" or "entry")
# $2 where to stop ("text" or "entry")
# $3 "cut" to remove text from <!-- text cut --> to <!-- text end -->
# note that this does not remove <!-- text cut --> comment itself,
# so you can see if text was cut or not
get_html_file_content() {
awk '/<!-- '$1' begin -->/, /<!-- '$2' end -->/{if (!/<!-- '$1' begin -->/ && !/<!-- '$2' end -->/) print}'
awk '/<!-- '$1' begin -->/, /<!-- '$2' end -->/{
if (!/<!-- '$1' begin -->/ && !/<!-- '$2' end -->/) print
if ("'$3'" == "cut" && /<!-- text cut -->/){
if ("'$2'" == "text") exit # no need to read further
while (getline > 0 && !/<!-- text end -->/) {}
# Edit an existing, published .html file while keeping its original timestamp
@ -648,7 +657,7 @@ rebuild_index() {
for i in $(ls -t *.html); do # sort by date, newest first
is_boilerplate_file "$i" && continue;
if [[ "$n" -ge "$number_of_index_articles" ]]; then break; fi
get_html_file_content 'entry' 'entry' <$1 >> "$contentfile"
get_html_file_content 'entry' 'entry' 'cut' <$i >> "$contentfile"
echo -n "."
n=$(( $n + 1 ))
@ -747,7 +756,7 @@ make_rss() {
echo '<item><title>' >> "$rssfile"
echo "$(awk '/<h3><a class="ablack" href=".+">/, /<\/a><\/h3>/{if (!/<h3><a class="ablack" href=".+">/ && !/<\/a><\/h3>/) print}' $i)" >> "$rssfile"
echo '</title><description><![CDATA[' >> "$rssfile"
echo "$(get_html_file_content 'text' 'entry' <$i)" >> "$rssfile"
echo "$(get_html_file_content 'text' 'entry' 'cut' <$i)" >> "$rssfile"
echo "]]></description><link>$global_url/$i</link>" >> "$rssfile"
echo "<guid>$global_url/$i</guid>" >> "$rssfile"
echo "<dc:creator>$global_author</dc:creator>" >> "$rssfile"