bashblog ======== A Bash script that handles blog posting You can read [the initial blog post]( for more information and as a demo, as my site has been 100% generated using bashblog. Usage ----- Download into a public folder of yours and run it: ./ This will show the available commands Before creating a blog post, edit and modify the variables in the global_variables() function To create your first post, just do: ./ post When you're done, access the public URL for that folder and you should see the index file and a new page for that post! Features -------- - Simple creation and edition of the posts with your favorite text editor - Post preview - Save posts as drafts and resume later - Transformation of every post to its own html page, using the title as the URL - Generation of an index.html file with the latest 10 posts - Generation of an RSS file! Blog's magic is the RSS file, isn't it...? - Generation of a page with all posts, to solve the index.html pagination problem - Rebuilding the index files without the need to create a new entry - Google Analytics support - Feedburner support - Auto-generated CSS support - Headers, footers, and in general everything that a well-structured html file has - xhtml validation, CSS validation, RSS validation by the w3c - Backup of the site every time you post - Everything contained in a single 700-line bash script! - A simple but nice and readable design, with nothing but the blog posts Non features (not planned) -------------------------- - Comments. Would need a CAPTCHA or another antispam mechanism. Comments are handled through twitter, with a Twitter button Read the CHANGELOG section of the script header for more updates