ReComplete - task : QueryPage Optimisation

Complete - task : Make querying feat use django forms and widgets for querying 

-Added a switchable on the fly name surname seperator to
This commit is contained in:
Mustafa Arıcı 2010-07-15 11:48:56 +00:00
parent a37af854a4
commit 1dfd2637b9
26 changed files with 6630 additions and 1337 deletions

View File

@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ class ContactForm(forms.Form):
captcha = CaptchaField(label="Captcha Alanı", help_text='Gördüğünü karakterleri aynen yazınız', error_messages={'required': 'Hatalı yazdınız!'})
class QueryForm(forms.Form):
name = forms.CharField(max_length=25, required = False, label = 'Adı')
surname = forms.CharField(max_length=25, required = False, label = 'Soyadı')
text = forms.CharField(required = False, label = 'Aradığınız metin', widget = forms.widgets.Textarea() )
q_author_name = forms.CharField(max_length=25, required = False, label = 'Adı')
q_author_surname = forms.CharField(max_length=25, required = False, label = 'Soyadı')
q_text = forms.CharField(required = False, label = 'Aradığınız metin', widget = forms.widgets.Textarea() )

View File

@ -117,7 +117,12 @@ def list_members(request):
def query(request):
return render_response(request,'main/query.html',{'BASE_URL' : BASE_URL})
q_form = QueryForm()
return render_response(request,'main/query.html',{
def archive(request,archive_year='',archive_month='',archive_day=''):
@ -129,31 +134,28 @@ def archive(request,archive_year='',archive_month='',archive_day=''):
run_time = RunTime.objects.all()[0]
### Determine if the request includes any query or not. ###
does_getPage_exists = request.GET['page']
does_getPage_exists = None
### Determine if the request object includes any querying input or not. ###
if ( (request.GET) and ( not( does_getPage_exists) )):
if ( (request.GET) ):
# Switch to 'return the result of query' mode.
info_area = 'query'
#TODO: We should improve the querying method here.
#TODO: We should improve querying method implemented here.
q_author_name,q_author_surname,q_text = '','',''
authors = Authors.objects.all()
if ( ('q_author_name' in request.GET) and (request.GET['q_author_name'] )):
q_author_name = request.GET['q_author_name']
authors = authors.filter(author_name__icontains = q_author_name)
authors = authors.filter(author_name__iexact = q_author_name)
if (('q_author_surname' in request.GET) and (request.GET['q_author_surname'])):
q_author_surname = request.GET['q_author_surname']
authors = authors.filter(author_surname__icontains = q_author_surname)
authors = authors.filter(author_surname__iexact = q_author_surname)
for item in authors:
entries_list |= item.entries_set.all()
@ -161,11 +163,11 @@ def archive(request,archive_year='',archive_month='',archive_day=''):
if( ('q_text' in request.GET)and(request.GET['q_text'])):
q_text = request.GET['q_text']
if (q_author_name or q_author_surname):
entries_list |= Entries.objects.filter(content_text__icontains = request.GET['q_text'])
entries_list = Entries.objects.filter(content_text__icontains = request.GET['q_text'])
entries_list = entries_list.filter(content_text__icontains = q_text)
entries_list = Entries.objects.filter(content_text__icontains = q_text)
@ -174,8 +176,10 @@ def archive(request,archive_year='',archive_month='',archive_day=''):
return HttpResponseRedirect(BASE_URL+"/query")
return HttpResponseRedirect(BASE_URL+ "/query")
#here is gonna be edited [X]
# Pagination
elements_in_a_page = 25 # This determines, how many elements will be displayed in a paginator page.
paginator = Paginator(entries_list,elements_in_a_page)
# Validation for page number if it is not int return first page.
@ -205,7 +209,7 @@ def archive(request,archive_year='',archive_month='',archive_day=''):
### If not ###
#Switch to return the result of arguments provided mode(archive viewing mode).
info_area = 'archive'
info_area = 'archive' # \This variable is used for determining which infoarea text should be used in "contenttop" div in /main/base.html
selected_entries = Entries.objects.select_related()
@ -222,6 +226,7 @@ def archive(request,archive_year='',archive_month='',archive_day=''):
# Fall back to main view.
return HttpResponseRedirect(BASE_URL+"/main")
# Check if archive_month is not empty and numeric.
if(archive_month != ''and (str(archive_month).isalnum()) and not(str(archive_month).isalpha())):

View File

@ -96,15 +96,691 @@ nick = aozbek
label = Personal
id = 10
name = Barış Özyurt
face = barisozyurt.png
nick = bozyurt
label = Personal
id = 11
name = Can Burak Çilingir
nick = cbcilingir
label = Personal
id = 12
name = Can Kavaklıoğlu
nick = ckavaklioglu
label = Personal
id = 13
name = Ceyhun Alyeşil
nick = calyesil
label = Personal
id = 14
name = Devrim Gündüz
face = devrimgunduz.png
nick = dgunduz
label = Personal
id = 15
name = Doruk Fişek
face = dorukfisek.png
nick = dfisek
label = Personal
id = 16
name = Ekin Meroğlu
face = ekinmeroglu.png
nick = emeroglu
label = Personal
id = 17
name = Erçin Eker
face = ercineker.png
nick = eeker
label = Personal
id = 18
# kendi istegi ile gecici sure kaldirildi, gunluk ve host sorunlari yasadigini belirtti
# yeni adresi eklendi 06.10.2009
name = Erhan Ekici
nick = eekinci
label = Personal
id = 19
name = Fatih Arslan
nick = farslan
label = Personal
id = 20
name = Gökdeniz Karadağ
nick = gkaradag
label = Personal
id = 21
name = Gökmen Göksel
face = gokmengoksel.png
nick = ggoksel
label = Personal
id = 22
name = Gökmen Görgen
face = gokmengorgen.png
nick = ggorgen
label = Personal
id = 23
name = Gürer Özen
face = gurerozen.png
nick = gozen
label = Personal
id = 24
name = Hakan Uygun
nick = huygun
label = Personal
id = 1
id = 25
name = Koray Bostancı
nick = kbostanci
label = Personal
id = 26
name = K. Deniz Öğüt
face = kdenizogut.png
nick = kdenizoguz
label = Personal
id = 27
name = Kerem Can Karakaş
nick = kckarakas
label = Personal
id = 28
name = Kaya Oğuz
face = kaya-oguz.png
nick = kayaoguz
label = Personal
id = 29
name = Levent Yalçın
nick = lyalcin
label = Personal
id = 30
name = M.Tuğrul Yılmazer
face = tugrulyilmazer.png
nick = tyilmazer
label = Personal
id = 31
name = Mehmet Büyüközer
nick = mbuyukozer
label = Personal
id = 32
name = Mehmet Salih Yıldırım
face = mehmetsalihyildirim.png
nick = msyildirim
label = Personal
id = 33
name = Murat Hazer
nick = mhazer
label = Personal
id = 34
name = Murat Koç
nick = mkoc
label = Personal
id = 35
name = Murat Sağlam
face = muratsaglam.png
nick = msaglam
label = Personal
id = 36
name = M.Murat Akbaş
nick = makbas
label = Personal
id = 37
#[] Atom patladı rss deneyelim
name = Necati Demir
face = necatidemir.png
nick = ndemir
label = Personal
id = 38
name = Necdet Yücel
face = necdetyucel.png
nick = nyucel
label = Personal
id = 39
name = Nihad Karslı
face = nihadkarsli.png
nick = nkarsli
label = Personal
id = 40
name = Onur Yalazı
face = onuryalazi.png
nick = oyalazi
label = Personal
id = 41
name = Oğuz Yarımtepe
face = oguzyarimtepe.png
nick = oyarimtepe
label = Personal
id = 2
id = 42
name = Ömer Fadıl Usta
nick = ousta
label = Personal
id = 43
#1.11.2008 de attığı epostada Ingilizce girdisine karşı Turkce bir adres istememize Ingilizce yazacagini soyledi ve gerekirse cikarin dedi
name = Pınar Yanardağ
face = pinaryanardag.png
nick = pinaryanardag
label = Personal
id = 44
name = Serbülent Ünsal
nick = sunsal
label = Personal
id = 45
name = LKD Gezegen Duyuruları
face = gezegencg.png
nick = gezegencg
label = LKD
id = 46
name = LKD Seminer Duyuruları
face = seminercg.png
nick = seminercg
label = LKD
id = 47
name = Server Acim
face = serveracim.png
nick = sacim
label = Personal
id = 48
name = Sinan Alyürük
nick = salyuruk
label = Personal
id = 49
name= Talat Uyarer
nick = tuyarer
label = Personal
id = 50
name= Tayfur Taybuğa
face = tayfurtaybuga.png
nick = ttaybuga
label = Personal
id = 51
# Rsssindeki tarih sorunundan dolayı girdisinin gezegende tekrarlı gösteriminden dolayı geçici süre kaldırıldı 17112008
# kendisinden gelen update ile adresi düzenlendi
name = Tonguç Yumruk
face = tongucyumruk.png
nick = tyumruk
label = Personal
id = 52
name = Onur Tolga Şehitoğlu
nick = osehitoglu
label = Personal
id = 53
name = Ümran Kamar
face = umrankamar.png
nick = ukamar
label = Personal
id = 54
name = Zemberek NLP
# face =
nick = zemberek
label = Personal
id = 55
name = Recai Oktaş
nick = roktas
label = Personal
id = 56
name = Ahmet Yıldız
nick = ayildiz
label = Personal
id = 57
name = Serkan Altuntaş
nick = saltuntas
label = Personal
id = 58
name = Furkan Çalışkan
nick = fcaliskan
label = Personal
id = 59
name = Umur Erdinç
nick = uerdinc
label = Personal
id = 60
name = Serkan Kaba
face = serkankaba.png
nick = skaba
label = Personal
id = 61
name = Nesimi Acarca
nick = nacarca
label = Personal
id = 62
#Rsssindeki tarih sorunundan dolayı girdisinin gezegende tekrarlı gösteriminden dolayı geçici süre kaldırıldı 17112008
#Kendisinden gelen yeni adres ile güncellendi
name = Erol Soyöz
nick = esoyoz
label = Personal
id = 63
name = Gürcan Öztürk
nick = gurcanozturk
label = Personal
id = 64
name = Python-TR
nick = python-tr
label = Personal
id = 65
name = LKD Web Çalışma Grubu
nick = webcg
label = Personal
id = 66
name = Bora Güngören
nick = boragungoren
label = Personal
id = 67
name = Kubilay Onur Güngör
nick = kogungor
label = Personal
id = 68
name = LKD YK
nick = lkdyk
label = LKD
id = 69
name = Deniz Koçak
nick = dkocak
label = Personal
id = 70
name = Serkan Kenar
nick = skenar
label = Personal
id = 71
name = Ali Erkan İmrek
nick = aeimrek
label = Personal
id = 72
name =
nick =
label = LKD
id = 73
name = LKD FTP Çalışma Grubu
nick = lkdftp
label = LKD
id = 74
name = Murat TİKİL
nick = murattikil
label = Personal
id = 75
name = Burak Dayıoğlu
face = burakdayioglu.png
nick = burakdayioglu
label = Personal
id = 76
name =
face =
nick = parduslinux
label = Personal
id = 77
name = Linuxipuclari
face = linuxipuclari.png
nick = linuxipuclari
label = Personal
id = 78
name = Özgür Kuru
face =
nick = ozgurkuru
label = Personal
id = 79
name = Okan Akyüz
face = okanakyuz.png
nick = okanakyuz
label = Personal
id = 80
name = LKD Şenlik Çalışma Grubu
nick = lkdsenlik
label = LKD
id = 81
name = Eren Kovancı
nick = erenkovanci
label = Personal
id = 82
name = Serkan Çalış
nick = serkancalis
label = Personal
id = 83
name = Fatih Özavcı
face = fatihozavci.png
nick = fatihozavci
label = Personal
id = 84
name = LKD Sponsor Çalışma Grubu
nick = sponsorcg
label = Personal
id = 85
name = GNOME Türkiye
nick = gnometr
label = Personal
id = 86
name = Şenlik Twitter Haberleri
nick = senliktwitter
label = LKD
id = 87
name =
nick = ozguryazilim
label = Personal
id = 88
name = Emrah Eryılmaz
nick = emraheryilmaz
label = Personal
id = 89
name = FINDIK Projesi
nick = findik
label = Personal
id = 90
name = Samed Konak
face = samedkonak.png
nick = samedkonak
label = Personal
id = 91
name = Caner Bulut
nick = canerbulut
label = Personal
id = 92
name = Serdar Yiğit
nick = serdaryigit
label = Personal
id = 93
name = Cem Sönmez
nick = cemsonmez
label = Personal
id = 94
name = Ümit Yaşar
nick = umityasar
label = Personal
id = 95
name= Mustafa Akgül
nick = mustafaakgul
label = Personal
id = 96
name = Ömer Akyüz
nick = omerakyuz
label = Personal
id = 97
name = Hüseyin Berberoğlu
nick = huseyinberberoglu
label = Personal
id = 98
name = Efe Çiftci
face = efeciftci.png
nick = efeciftci
label = Personal
id = 99
name = Özgür Murat Homurlu
nick = ozgurmurat
label = Personal
id = 100
# title ve duzgun yazma sorunlarindan dolayi gecici sure kaldirildi
name = Emre Can Şüşter
face = emrecansuster.png
nick = emrecan
label = Personal
id = 101
name = İlkin Ulas Balkanay
face = ilkinulas.png
nick = ilkinulas
label = Personal
id = 102
name = Kubilay Kocabalkan
nick = kubilaykocabalkan
label = Personal
id = 103
name = Cagri Ersen
nick = cagriersen
label = Personal
id = 104
name = Onur Aslan
nick = onuraslan
face = onuraslan.png
label = Personal
id = 105
name = Ercan Kuru
nick = ercankuru
label = Personal
id = 106
name = Bayram Karagöz
nick = bayramkaragoz
face = bayramkaragoz.png
label = Personal
id = 107
name = Güngör Basa
nick = gungorbasa
label = Personal
id = 108
name = Sinan Onur Altınuç
nick = sinanonur
face = sinanonur.png
label = Personal
id = 109
name = Halid Said Altuner
nick = halidaltuner
label = Personal
id = 110
name = Levent Yıldırım
nick = lyildirim
label = Personal
id = 111
name = Can İnce
nick = canince
face = canince.png
label = Personal
id = 112
name = Mustafa Karakaplan
nick = mustafakarakaplan
label = Personal
id = 113
name = Murat Pınar
nick = muratpinar
face = muratpinar.png
label = Personal
id = 114
name = Utku Demir
nick = utkudemir
label = Personal
id = 115
name = Fikret Tozak
nick = fikrettozak
label = Personal
id = 116

View File

@ -173,11 +173,25 @@ def main():
#add the current channels to the db
channels = my_planet.channels()
for channel in channels:
author_name =
### This part seperates surname from name do not activate it if needn't.
words =
if len(words) == 1:
author_name = words[0]
author_surname == None
author_surname = words[-1]
tmp_first_name = ''
for word in words: tmp_first_name += ' ' + word
author_name = tmp_first_name[1:]
### ###
#author_name =
#author_surname = channel.surname
author_face = channel.face
print channel.face
author_face = None
@ -200,7 +214,7 @@ def main():
channel_urlstatus = channel.url_status
channel_urlstatus = None
print channel.label
label = channel.label
label_personal = 0
@ -215,7 +229,7 @@ def main():
label_community = 1
if label == "Eng":
label_eng = 1
id =
@ -223,6 +237,7 @@ def main():
#update the values with the ones at the config file
author.author_name = author_name
author.author_surname = author_surname
#print author_name
author.author_face = author_face
author.channel_subtitle = channel_subtitle
@ -236,8 +251,8 @@ def main():
author.label_eng = label_eng
except Exception, ex:
#print ex
author = Authors(author_id=id, author_name=author_name, author_face=author_face, channel_subtitle=channel_subtitle, channel_title=channel_title, channel_url=channel_url, channel_link=channel_link, channel_urlstatus=channel_urlstatus, label_personal=label_personal, label_lkd=label_lkd, label_community=label_community, label_eng=label_eng)
print ex
author = Authors(author_id=id, author_name=author_name, author_surname=author_surname, author_face=author_face, channel_subtitle=channel_subtitle, channel_title=channel_title, channel_url=channel_url, channel_link=channel_link, channel_urlstatus=channel_urlstatus, label_personal=label_personal, label_lkd=label_lkd, label_community=label_community, label_eng=label_eng)

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -67,8 +67,8 @@
<foaf:name>Ali Erdinç Köroğlu</foaf:name>
<foaf:Document rdf:about="">
<dc:title>The Point of no return » LKD</dc:title>
<foaf:Document rdf:about="">
<rss:channel rdf:about="" />
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
<foaf:name>Ali Erkan İMREK</foaf:name>
<foaf:name>Ali Erkan İmrek</foaf:name>
<foaf:Document rdf:about="">
@ -444,8 +444,8 @@
<foaf:name>Erol Soyöz</foaf:name>
<foaf:Document rdf:about="">
<dc:title>Erol Soyöz | Dağıtık günce » linux gezegeni</dc:title>
<foaf:Document rdf:about="">
<rss:channel rdf:about="" />
@ -457,8 +457,8 @@
<foaf:name>Erçin Eker</foaf:name>
<foaf:Document rdf:about="">
<dc:title>The Useless Journal v4</dc:title>
<foaf:Document rdf:about="">
<rss:channel rdf:about="" />
@ -470,8 +470,8 @@
<foaf:name>FINDIK Projesi</foaf:name>
<foaf:Document rdf:about="">
<dc:title>OpenSource Junkies » findik</dc:title>
<foaf:Document rdf:about="">
<rss:channel rdf:about="" />
@ -861,7 +861,7 @@
<foaf:name>Levent Yıldırım</foaf:name>
<foaf:Document rdf:about="">
<dc:title>Arka Bahçem » gezegen</dc:title>
<dc:title>Levent'in Günlüğü » gezegen</dc:title>
<rss:channel rdf:about="" />
@ -960,6 +960,19 @@
<foaf:name>Murat Pınar</foaf:name>
<foaf:Document rdf:about="">
<dc:title>wargasm@arch ~</dc:title>
<rss:channel rdf:about="" />
<foaf:name>Murat Sağlam</foaf:name>
@ -1134,7 +1147,7 @@
<foaf:name>Oğuz Yarımtepe</foaf:name>
<foaf:Document rdf:about="">
<dc:title>import me » Gezegen</dc:title>
<dc:title>import me</dc:title>
<rss:channel rdf:about="" />
@ -1185,8 +1198,8 @@
<foaf:name>Recai Oktaş</foaf:name>
<foaf:Document rdf:about="">
<foaf:Document rdf:about="">
<rss:channel rdf:about="" />
@ -1263,8 +1276,8 @@
<foaf:name>Serkan Kenar</foaf:name>
<foaf:Document rdf:about="">
<dc:title>Kayıp Şehir / Serkan Kenar » debian</dc:title>
<foaf:Document rdf:about="">
<rss:channel rdf:about="" />
@ -1376,6 +1389,19 @@
<foaf:name>Utku Demir</foaf:name>
<foaf:Document rdf:about="">
<dc:title>Bir şeyler var burada! » Gezegen</dc:title>
<rss:channel rdf:about="" />
<foaf:name>Zemberek NLP</foaf:name>

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
<opml version="1.1">
<title>Linux Gezegeni</title>
<dateCreated>Sat, 01 May 2010 15:30:21 +0000</dateCreated>
<dateModified>Sat, 01 May 2010 15:30:21 +0000</dateModified>
<dateCreated>Wed, 14 Jul 2010 16:47:11 +0000</dateCreated>
<dateModified>Wed, 14 Jul 2010 16:47:11 +0000</dateModified>
<ownerName>Gezegen Ekibi</ownerName>
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<outline text="Ahmet Aygün" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Ahmet Yıldız" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Ali Erdinç Köroğlu" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Ali Erkan İMREK" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Ali Erkan İmrek" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Alper Kanat" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Alper Orus" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Alper Oğuz" xmlUrl=""/>
@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
<outline text="Mehmet Salih Yıldırım" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Murat Hazer" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Murat Koç" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Murat Pınar" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Murat Sağlam" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Murat TİKİL" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Mustafa Akgül" xmlUrl=""/>
@ -114,6 +115,7 @@
<outline text="Tayfur Taybuğa" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Tonguç Yumruk" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Umur Erdinç" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Utku Demir" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Zemberek NLP" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Ömer Akyüz" xmlUrl=""/>
<outline text="Ömer Fadıl Usta" xmlUrl=""/>

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
<a href="">
<img src="muratsaglam.png" height="24" alt="">
Famicom Fatihi Türkler</a>
<a href="">
<img src="" height="24" alt="">
PK 500 askere gidiyor, yaşasın yeni PK 500 :)</a>
<a href="">
<img src="dorukfisek.png" height="24" alt="">
Bir siteyi bakıma almak</a>
<a href="">
<img src="" height="24" alt="">
Herkes tarafından yazılabilir dosyaların saptanması</a>
<a href="">
<img src="" height="24" alt="">
Özgür Kuşlar Üzerine...</a>
<a href="">
<img src="serveracim.png" height="24" alt="">
Konsoldan IDENTICA Mesaji</a>
<a href="">
<img src="gurerozen.png" height="24" alt="">
kuş uçtu yuva kaldı...</a>
<a href="">
<img src="gokmengoksel.png" height="24" alt="">
<a href="">
<img src="" height="24" alt="">
Wordpress'i Hızlandırmak</a>
<a href="">
<img src="" height="24" alt="">
Root'un 2. sayısı geldi, hoş geldi</a>
<a href="">
<img src="" height="24" alt="">
ROOTun 2. Sayısı Hazır</a>
<a href="">
<img src="bayramkaragoz.png" height="24" alt="">
PostgreSQL Backup Scripti</a>
<a href=";task=view&amp;id=39&amp;Itemid=2">
<img src="" height="24" alt="">
GNOME 2.30 Yayınlandı</a>
<a href="">
<img src="" height="24" alt="">
Wordpress Büyük Boyutlu Dosya Yükleme Sorunu</a>
<a href="">
<img src="" height="24" alt="">
Linux Mint Türkiye Yeniden Yayında!</a>
<a href="">
<img src="" height="24" alt="">
Linux Mint Türkiye E-dergisi Root</a>
<a href="">
<img src="" height="24" alt="">
Root yazarı olmak ister misiniz?</a>
<a href="">
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

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@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
<div class="innercontent">
<a href="{{ entry.entry_id.channel_link }}" title="{{ entry.entry_id.channel_title }}"><img class="face" src="/djagenmedia/images/heads/{{ entry.entry_id.author_face|default:"nobody.png" }}" title="{{ entry.entry_id.author_name }}" width="80" height="80" /></a>
<a href="{{ entry.entry_id.channel_link }}" title="{{ entry.entry_id.channel_title }}"><img class="face" src="/djagenmedia/images/heads/{{ entry.entry_id.author_face|default:"nobody.png" }}" title="{{ entry.entry_id.author_name }} {{ entry.entry_id.author_surname }}" width="80" height="80" /></a>
<h1 class="title"><a href="{{ }} ">{{ entry.title }}</a></h1>
<p class="yazaneden">
Yazar:&nbsp;<a href="{{ entry.entry_id.channel_link }}" title="{{ entry.entry_id.channel_title }}">{{ entry.entry_id.author_name }}</a>
Yazar:&nbsp;<a href="{{ entry.entry_id.channel_link }}" title="{{ entry.entry_id.channel_title }}">{{ entry.entry_id.author_name }} {{ entry.entry_id.author_surname }}</a>
Tarih:&nbsp;<span class="blogdate">{{|date:"d F Y H:i" }}</span>
<div class="blogcontent">
@ -34,12 +34,43 @@
<div class="pagination">
<span class="step-links">
{% if q_author_name or q_author_surname or q_text %}
<span class="current">
Sayfa <b>{{ p_entries_list.number }}</b> / <b>{{ p_entries_list.paginator.num_pages }}</b>
<div class="pagelist" style="text-align:center">
{% if p_entries_list.has_previous %}
<a href="?page={{ p_entries_list.previous_page_number }}">Geri</a>
<a href="?q_author_name={{ q_author_name }}&q_author_surname={{ q_author_surname }}&q_text={{ q_text }}&page={{ p_entries_list.previous_page_number }}">Geri</a>
{% endif %}
{% for pNum in p_entries_list.paginator.page_range %}
{% ifequal pNum p_entries_list.number %}
{{ pNum }}
{% else %}
<a href="?q_author_name={{ q_author_name }}&q_author_surname={{ q_author_surname }}&q_text={{ q_text }}&page={{ pNum }}">{{ pNum }}</a>
{% endifequal %}
{% endfor %}
{% if p_entries_list.has_next %}
<a href="?q_author_name={{ q_author_name }}&q_author_surname={{ q_author_surname }}&q_text={{ q_text }}&page={{ p_entries_list.next_page_number }}">İleri</a>
{% endif %}
{% else %}
<span class="current">
Sayfa <b>{{ p_entries_list.number }}</b> / <b>{{ p_entries_list.paginator.num_pages }}</b>
<div class="pagelist" style="text-align:center">
{% if p_entries_list.has_previous %}
<a href="?q_author_name=?page={{ p_entries_list.previous_page_number }}">Geri</a>
{% endif %}
@ -59,7 +90,7 @@
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}

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@ -88,8 +88,7 @@
{% if q_text %}
İçinde <b>{{ q_text|truncatewords:8 }}</b> geçen girdiler
{% endif %}
{% endif %}.</p>
{% endif %}

View File

@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
<div class="innercontent">
<a href="{{ entry.entry_id.channel_link }}" title="{{ entry.entry_id.channel_title }}"><img class="face" src="/djagenmedia/images/heads/{{ entry.entry_id.author_face|default:"nobody.png" }}" title="{{ entry.entry_id.author_name }}" width="80" height="80" /></a>
<a href="{{ entry.entry_id.channel_link }}" title="{{ entry.entry_id.channel_title }}"><img class="face" src="/djagenmedia/images/heads/{{ entry.entry_id.author_face|default:"nobody.png" }}" title="{{ entry.entry_id.author_name }} {{ entry.entry_id.author_surname }}" width="80" height="80" /></a>
<h1 class="title"><a href="{{ }} ">{{ entry.title }}</a></h1>
<p class="yazaneden">
Yazar:&nbsp;<a href="{{ entry.entry_id.channel_link }}" title="{{ entry.entry_id.channel_title }}">{{ entry.entry_id.author_name }}</a>
Yazar:&nbsp;<a href="{{ entry.entry_id.channel_link }}" title="{{ entry.entry_id.channel_title }}">{{ entry.entry_id.author_name }} {{ entry.entry_id.author_surname }}</a>
Tarih:&nbsp;<span class="blogdate">{{|date:"d F Y H:i" }}</span>
<div class="blogcontent">

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
{% extends "main/base.html" %}
{% block body %}
{% comment %}
<form action='{{ BASE_URL }}/archive ' method='GET'>
<b>Yazar<br> Adı:</b><input type="text" name="q_author_name">
@ -8,4 +9,22 @@
<b>Aradığınız Metin:</b><input type="text" name="q_text">
<input type="submit" value="Listele">
{% endcomment %}
<form action="{{ BASE_URL }}/archive" method="GET" enctype="multipart/form-data">
{% for field in q_form %}
<div class="fieldWrapper">
{% if field.errors %}
<span class="error">{{ field.errors }}</span>
{% endif %}
{{ field.label_tag }}
{% if field.help_text %}
<span class="small">{{ field.help_text }}</span>
{% endif %}
{{ field }}
{% endfor %}
<div class="spacer"></div>
<input type="submit" value="Listele" />
{% endblock %}