Copyrights and Licenses Information
path start end what value
c-course/LICENSE 1 674 license gpl-3.0
c-course/LICENSE 4 4 copyright Copyright (c) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
c-course/ 11 11 license unknown-license-reference
c-course/ 11 11 license gpl-3.0-plus
c-course/ 15 15 copyright Copyright (c) 2023 Mert Gor and contributors
c-course/ 17 28 license gpl-3.0-plus
c-course/c-basic/foo.c 8 8 copyright Copyright (c) 2024 Mert Gor and contributors
c-course/c-basic/helloworld.c 8 8 copyright Copyright (c) 2024 Mert GOr and contributors
c-course/c-basic/initialization-variable.c 8 8 copyright Copyright (c) 2024 Mert Gor and contributors
File Information
path type name extension date size sha1 md5 files_count mime_type file_type programming_language is_binary is_text is_archive is_media is_source is_script
c-course directory
c-course/LICENSE file
c-course/ file
c-course/c-basic directory
c-course/c-basic/a.out file
c-course/c-basic/C.pdf file
c-course/c-basic/foo.c file
c-course/c-basic/helloworld.c file
c-course/c-basic/initialization-variable.c file
path holder start end
c-course/LICENSE Free Software Foundation, Inc. 4 4
c-course/ Mert Gor and contributors 15 15
c-course/c-basic/foo.c Mert Gor and contributors 8 8
c-course/c-basic/helloworld.c Mert GOr and contributors 8 8
c-course/c-basic/initialization-variable.c Mert Gor and contributors 8 8
path Author start end
c-course/c-basic/foo.c Mert Gor ( 3 3
c-course/c-basic/helloworld.c Mert GOr ( 3 3
c-course/c-basic/initialization-variable.c Mert Gor ( 3 3
path email start end
path url start end